Friday, November 16, 2007

i guess that's why they call it the blues...

It started off an okay morning.

the snow was falling and camden was making me laugh while making tea and waiting for the big old yeller. well around tennish, things came undone, in a way.
i went from happiness to kinda down in a blink of an eye.

my water pump in my car is dying. and bills are due, so i cannot fix it right now.
and if it decides to die te whole way, i'm told i cannot drive it at all because all it will do is overheat badly and kill my car. so that is #1 sucky deal.

the #2 sucky deal for the day...
i have been tying to get a job in the last 2 weeks. i am currently waiting for the coffee place downtown to call me...but it is just making me sad waiting. keith is paying (or trying to pay) everything by himself. rent is insurance is due and the other bills will be due soon....
so what the hell?!!

and he calls me and says..."my check wasn't enough to pay all the bills..."

so the snowy weather that made me happy this morning....

and now a few hours later, it's life that brings me down.

and now i'm off to make a cup of tea and meditate on it all for a long while.
maybe by doing so it will bring in some kind of light on the situation at hand.

i'm out~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.