Monday, November 26, 2007

I LOVE KARMA!!!!!!!! no really... i do :-)

here is what has been happening over my way.......

tuesday november 20th 2007

my car was involved in a wreck.
a 16 year old boy slammed on the brakes while my car was waiting at a stop sign and he slammed a 1985 plymouth grand fury into my driver side wheel/fender area. no one was injured in either vehicle. thank god.
but my car was disabled.

the wheel is now pointed to the engine, and the fender looked like crumbled foil when it gets unraveled. so it was taken away on a flatbed tow truck...and i was told to wait to hear news about the future driving of my first car. so i did.

thursday november22nd2007

thanksgiving day...dinner at in laws....
came home, had food poisoning i think. sick all night long.

friday, november 23rd 2007

the phone rings, it is state farm calling to ask about a claim filed against me.
the same kid that hit my car, figured he'd say we hit him. so after about 45 minutes, i was told they had to get the police report before i get news about my car. thank you have a nice day pretty much. so i waited......

november .24-25th 2007~no progress at all....still i wait.....

monday, november 26th 2007

i call state my suprise, no police report yet. so i take it upon myself to call the police dept. and have it faxed. within about 30 minutes my agent calls. she told me the news......

the 16 year old is at fault as per the report. and i had no worries about my car. if it gets totalled, i get a check. and she says i can get a rental from the kids company if i need to as well. (i dont need one) so now i wait for them to tell me if i will be able to drive my car again. or if i get a check for it.

i know it is going to be a few grand to repair the damages...
so most likely it will be a check. but justice was served either way. and i am glad that it worked out for the best. i was lucky to not have anyone hurt in the crash...and thanks to my good all came full circle.

just goes to cannot be dishonest about anything.
karma is a bitch...and now that boy knows that. hehehee

so hope all of you had a happy thanksgiving. i am thankful for everything i have today.

and big huggys!

1 comment:

MFGN said...

Man really sorry to hear about bad time. I complete understand what you mean though about being thankful for the good in spite of all the bad! ;o)
